Tuesday, October 19, 2010

There Will Always Be Another Tomorrow?

Tyler Cathey - There Will Always Be Another Tomorrow ?

What can come of featured emotions?
 Someone who pretends they care?
 Someone is paid to listen,
 But they put deaf lotion,
 Upon their ears.
 Help! I=m hiding under a shadow of laughter,
 An invisible cloak, everyone is fooled.
 And no one really cares until after,
 After the trigger is pulled.
 I=m screaming my feelings
 Through a silenced pen.
 Observing these killings
 Not outward but within.
 The ink is forever on my paper,
 But I=m fading away.
 As I try to forget my heart=s raper,
      I think about the next day.
How my words are heard
And they only stare,
They are disturbed
But also don=t care.
There=s no consideration,
Just fear.
Pain is my reparation,
No one=s sincere.
Tomorrow will be a new day,
A beautiful day,
But I don=t think that I=ll be here.


  1. Screaming feelings through a silenced pen reminds me of one of my favorite science fiction stories "I have no mouth and I must scream." Creepily frustrating. And I sure you're here tomorrow! We have class!

  2. great stuff...i like the lotion ears part best
